
General Cleaning & Care

- Remove your bandage 2-4 hours after you get home

- Wash the tattooed area using an antibacterial soap with warm water

- Gently pat the skin dry with a clean bath towel or paper towel

With clean hands, apply a small amount of a moisturizing ointment to create a thin layer. Apply 2-3 times daily, for 2-4 weeks. Moisturizing is important, but do not over apply. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter, Aquaphor, and unscented Lubriderm are a few kinds we recommend.

If Using Derm Shield Bandage:

The Derm shield bandage can be left on your new tattoo for up to 24 hours- the length of time you leave the bandage on will depend on how much fluid your tattoo leaks.

Leakage is totally normal, but if you notice excessive fluid under the bandage, you should remove it.

The best way to remove the bandage is in a warm shower - the heat of the water will help loosen the adhesive. Find an edge and pull bandage in the direction of hair growth.

After cleaning, you can use a second bandage if you so choose. This second bandage can be left on for between 3-5 days. If second bandage is not applied, clean tattoo, dry, and apply moisturizer.

Peeling is normal. Do not pick or scratch at any scabs or dry areas. Allow dry skin to fall off on its own.

Avoid soaking your new tattoo (bathing, Hot Tubs, Pools, etc) for at least two weeks

Avoid direct sunlight during healing. Once tattoo is healed, apply a high SPF sunblock daily to help protect tattoo from fading.